We assess social-emotional well-being needs, participate in IEPs and Transition meetings, provide individual and group counseling, and regular contact and support to new students and those in temporary crisis. We effectively team with parents on issues impacting students, conduct educational programs regarding both school and dorm setting social issues, and offer support to staff who provide services to students with social and emotional issues.
How do I get social work services for my child who attends ISD?
Contact your child's principal or the unit social worker and discuss your concerns. A team decision will be made regarding the specific needs your child may have for services.
How do I know if my child would benefit from social work services?
Social workers provide services for a variety of reasons. If you suspect that your child would benefit from talking with someone regarding his/her social or emotional needs or on-going concerns, the social worker can help you and your child make a decision regarding the possible benefits of services.
What happens in a counseling session?
A variety of counseling activities could occur, depending on the age and needs of the child. Generally, sessions consist of discussion but may also include role playing, writing, drawing, or other activities that the social worker feels are appropriate.
Will the social worker share with me what my child says during counseling?
Confidentiality is an important part of establishing trust during counseling. Although the social worker cannot share details of the discussions that take place, she can provide parents with feedback regarding the general progress.