Battle of the Books

The 2022-2023 Bison Division CHAMPIONS—Your very own ISD TIGERS!!!
2022-23 Swim Team

As of January 2022, the Illinois School for the Deaf established their first swim team! The Illinois school for the Deaf (ISD) joined forces with the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired (ISVI) to form one unified swim team. In many states the school for the deaf and the school for the blind are on the same campus so more deaf students can participate in sports together.
The schools participated in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) conference. Competitors of this conference must be the ages of 14-22. In addition to participating in the NCASB, we are looking forward to more great experiences as we have also joined membership in the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) conference as well. Our inaugural season started with 4 boys and 3 girls participating in the swim season.
Practices were held at either ISD, ISVI, or the pool at Illinois College. Due to COVID, all meets were competed virtually with 5 other state schools for the blind. The swimmers focused on mastering the Freestyle and Backstroke, with plans to learn the Breastroke and Butterfly stroke for the next season.
Even though this was our first year competing, ISD had many first place finishes and individual personal records in several events. We are very proud of our swimmers!
ISD’s Own Jamal Garner Presents at WSD

Last week's assembly at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf, Jamal Garner, a young Black Deaf adult role model, met with our students to talk about the importance of CAM: commitment, academics, and management (of time). Students were enthralled with his presentation and had the opportunity to interact with him afterwards!
Fun facts about Jamal: he competed in the Deaf Olympics in BOTH basketball and track & field. He is the ONLY athlete to compete in both sports! He recently traveled to Argentina where he competed in the Pan American Basketball Championship for the Deaf!
Illinois School for the Deaf Campus Tour
2022 Graduation